Gaming has undergone something of an upgrade in the last several decades. From 8-Bit to literally exploring multiple open worlds. From pong, to split-screen Halo (no screen peaking), to full on professional gaming tournaments - the scene has changed.
So to has the scene changed with supplements, and GNC has changed right along with it. What might have once been thought of as the "Mecca for Meatheads", GNC has evolved into supporting performance at its highest level for everyone - be it for gym night or Fortnite.
In that spirit, we launched a campaign with some of the best streamers in gaming - sending them supps, support, and swag (the last of which was designed by yours truly). As a gamer myself (mostly RDR2 because it's a masterpiece and STILL holds up), the chance to nerd out in full was too good to pass up - and who doesn't want to draw an anime inspired cat with zipper access to it's lightning brain?

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